
Social decision making model

From Deliberative Democracy Institiute Wiki

Social decision making model (SDM), is based on inter-personal neuronal decision making model. To work properly, a SON must be created. A SON is best created when the paths threshold is low, or when a domineering entity impose a SON. In a democratic conditions the way to impose SON is by didactical teaching and state controlled media.

to create SON in a free society, there should be several conditions. First there should be created a situation for lowering the path's threshold. lowering the threshold can be induced by creating PFC or RPE. they both can be created, when there is safe feeling, enough time to listen and decide, an conditions to high self control.

Conditions for SON Facilitation

Therefore, in the settings of the deliberation, enough time should be allocated, appropriate foods should be served in the appropriate time. Although falsification should be part of the creation of SON, but criticizing valued ideas and even more personal criticism should be avoided as much as possible. Trust in the members and in the process should be gained through the deliberation.

Learning should be facilitated by curiosity 1 or curiosity 2, which induce RPE.

SON Facilitation

A SON should be researched and learned by mutual investigation of SOs, values and theories. People are attuned to storytelling, and therefore, storytelling should be used to investigate corroboration of theories, values and SOs. Experts could also teach participents in their field of expertise.

All objects of the field of decision, should be put to falsification and corroboration (with the consideration of trust and safe feelings of the stakeholders).

When clashing theories are raised, a falsifiable synthesis or a new falsifiable theory that explains all corroborated evidences should be produced, otherwise a clashes of theories can emerge and brake the deliberative process. If no such theory can be produce, we can advise participants to hold their judgment until new theory will emerge or one of the theories will gain sufficient corroboration.

Usually, more some participants will have more difficulties basing their theories on evidence. their thories are usually based on inner feelings that the thories answer. The new theories, should address these feeling and elevate their well being. For instance, it is said that religion give meaning and produce better communities. although religion is based of faith rather then on hard evidence, it answer the need for community and meaning. In deliberation between seculars and religious people, a new corroborated theory that answer the above feelings should be produced.

SON Consolidation

The SON should be written down and summarized, for members to remember and new comers, to learn and gain faster access to the deliberation.