
Just war

From Deliberative Democracy Institiute Wiki


This paragraph was inspired by Noam Chomsky's talk on Just War Theory, especially the jus ad bellum (the right to go to war). In his talk, Chomsky didn't give any justification to go to war and focused on criticizing the theory. Although I agree with Chomsky in many ways, I still think we should find a theory that will be able to say when it is just to go to war. In this page, we will try to establish, moral justifications for going to war, if such exists.

Philosophical base

The cause of war is fight between people and nations over resources.

If individuals can find a way to divide resources in a peaceful manner then peace is kept. If they can't find solution then war may result. One side or more, will use force to take their share, or all resources.

The role of the government is to find ways to handle resources peacefully[1].

If some think that the government does not handle resource in a just way, they may try to change it through political means.

If she cannot influence the government to change its way to a more just handling, the government may be considered her enemy, and she will be the enemy of the government.

Usually, to deliberate and find just solutions in the government, there should be a common culture, therefore different cultures have trouble leaving in the same state. The deprived will be the enemy of the majority.

A just Government will a one, that the inhabitant of the state will see as a just government, while all minorities also see as just.

There are many ways to think of justice. Whatever the inhabitant, including minorities see as just is justice.



  1. John Lock (1689) Two Treatises of Government